Meridian Magazine (aka LDS Mag) met up with us at Union Station in Ogden and wrote a great piece about Saturday's Warrior. It was the third week of September and we were shooting all-nighters every day. It's a grueling schedule made easier by the amazing people I get to work with. (And, to be clear, in the photo where Mason and I look like we're yawning, we're really singing!)

Saturday's Warrior - Meridian Magazine

When Scot and Maurine Proctor arrived on set we were shooting the scene where beloved Julie and Tod (we are beloved, right?) have just learned that Tod will be leaving Julie behind to start his journey on earth. Julie's a little more bothered about it than Tod. Ironically, once they grow up Julie is much more boy crazy than Tod is girl crazy but, hey, what's an abandoned girl to do?

Many thanks to the Proctors for the fun article!

On the Set for Saturday’s Warrior