I am absolutely, positively thrilled and honored to share my latest publicity! Celestial Shine Magazine featured me on the May 2016 cover and included an 11-page interview by Emily Punjack, complete with all the amazing photos from Brittany Ting Photography.

Celestial Shine Magazine Spread

Celestial Shine has a specific target audience and mission that I am proud to support:

Our goal is to encourage Young Women to be in the world but not of the world, to strengthen their testimonies in the Savior Jesus Christ, to provide fashion, beauty, makeup, and dating advice that is modest and aligns with high standards, and to remind all Young Women that they are daughters of God.

Giving girls this kind of support is invaluable. I'm so grateful this publication is available. I hope it's still around when I have teen daughters!

Celestial Shine Magazine Cover

Good news! Celestial Shine has graciously offered all my readers and followers a complimentary (that means free!) copy of this issue! You can download it here. Please get it and let me know what you think!