by manager | Oct 23, 2018 | Music, Music Videos
Happy Halloween, everyone! I have a special spooky autumn treat for you. No tricks! I first heard The Zombie Song about 15 years ago. Stephanie Mabey gave a private concert—in my house—for about 70 homeschool kids. She is soooo talented; I was mesmerized! After her...
by manager | Sep 16, 2018 | Beauty, Uncategorized
Acne sucks. Can you be confident with it? Heck yes. #GirlBoss that acne. But, I’ve already addressed confidence on my Instagram, let’s get down to the actual tips on treating acne itself, not just the insecurity that comes with it. 😉 Remember, everyones skin is...
by manager | Jun 19, 2018 | Music, Music Videos
I've been an Echosmith fan since their first breakout song, Cool Kids, came out. When I heard Over My Head for the first time, I immediately wanted to create a music video. Thanks to my music producer, Becky Willard of Vox Fox Studios, I was able to translate this...
by manager | Jun 18, 2018 | Film, Publicity
Had such a fun morning on KUTV2's Fresh Living show. Kari Hawker Diaz interviewed me about working full-time in the film industry…in Utah. Yes, it's a real thing! Thanks to the cast and crew for having me on! Monica Moore Smith: Breaking into the Entertainment...
by manager | May 10, 2018 | Film, Publicity
This morning, Savannah Ostler D'Alo, director of Twice the Dream, and I appeared on the Midday show on ABC 4 Utah (KTVX), to speak about the movie production. Many thanks to our gracious host, Nicea DeGering, for having us on and for making it such a fun experience....